Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Which planets in Vedic astrology make distribution in a love marriage?

Ans :

In generally, there are several combination used in Vedic astrology for the occurrence of love marriages. Some of them are given below:

  • Combination of 5th house with Venus.
  • Combination of 7th house with Venus.
  • Combination of 3th with 5th house increases the chances of love marriage and makes the relationship stable.
  • Combination of 5th and 7th house is considered highly effective for love marriage.
  • Combination of 7th house with Mars and/or Rahu strengthens the posibility of love marriage.
  • Combination of Venus with 2nd, 9th or 11th house increases the chances of love marriage.
  • Combination of 7th house with 9th house is also responsible for love marriage.